March 14, 2012

The Political Mailbox

Sometimes, a no junk mail sticker just doesn't cut it and unfortunately this is only today's political mail in my letterbox. I personally can't wait for the election to be over, so I don't get a constant bombardment of mail - what a waste of money! I'm in the marketing industry, so I know how much print jobs cost and I can tell you now, these would not be cheap. Some of them are customised sizes...and that's not even mentioning them using a four colour print process.

I even got a letter addressed to me personally yesterday talking about kids and education (which doesn't apply to me in the area AS YET) but I must admire their targeted approach from a marketing perspective, if nothing else.

So is it just me or do you get at least 3 items a day in your mailbox too, from local candidates during an election?

1 comment:

  1. I think you're getting much more than us, but we don't live in the most interesting electorate in the state like you do. Only postage paid stuff has made it past our No Junk Mail sticker. I did talk to someone yesterday (with very strong political leanings) who said that she wanted to be living in your electorate at the moment for the 'interesting' political happenings there.


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